Project: Money

September 07, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

words and images by Warren Wilson

First I Look at the Purse

Money, money. It’s everywhere, right? “Everywhere but in my pocket,” I hear you say. True, we all need it. We even are looking for it even when we don’t actually need it. As they say, it’s the root of all evil today. But, alas, I’m not one who has much. So, I make it a point to document it when I find it. People are funny about their money. When they sense I’m interested in taking a picture of their money, they tend to get a bit uptight and overprotective.

I avoid credit cards. I found early on that I’m too easily persuaded to buy now, pay later. But, I still like to buy “things”. A few years ago, I ran across this formula for saving. It’s a great way to buy a camera.

Here’s the formula: n(n+1)/2

So, if you were start with a penny the first day, on the second day, you’d save $.02, then $.03, then $.04. By day 365, you will have just shy of $668. It’s a great way to save quickly. But, try to avoid overextending yourself. For example, by starting off with $.05 the first day, by the end of the year, you’re saving $18.25 a day. That’s a big sum if you aren’t used to it. The good news with saving multiples of a nickel is that at the end of the year, you’ve saved $3,375. Not quite enough for a yacht, but good enough for a vacation. I rarely find money. It was a big day for me to find this $20 bill on a path.


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